Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Where is all the money? I haven't seen cash in a long time. Where is it stored? Do other people use it? I have a card that I swipe in a little machine for everything. I buy a 50 cent donut for my kid at the grocery store with this card. I buy my coffee, my groceries, things on line, a new hat....anything and everything with this piece of plastic. My husband gets paid for working every day. He gets a check that goes directly into the bank. I don't know how much he gets. I just know that I can keep handing my card to a cashier in any store I please, and walk away with something needed or wanted at that moment. It's quite amazing, actually.

I have beautiful days when swiping and acquiring run smoothly and there is no thought about money at all. But, then the day arrives when money is brought to my attention. "What are you buying? And, why are you buying it? " Oops, I thought the use of this little card had gone unnoticed. I thought there was an endless amount of this stuff that now, I realize, must live somewhere, and must begin to dwindle at times. On days like this, I pause for a moment. I hide my plastic friend in the back of my wallet instead of prominently displayed in the front.

If I was working, and someone was depositing my check into a bank, I think I would pay attention to how much I was getting and how much was being spent. Actually, I would be thinking about money A LOT. I'm not sure I want that kind of burden. In fact, I like my beautiful days too much .

I wonder...... Can't I believe the money will always be there and with this belief it will BE? So far, it's worked for me.

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