Monday, March 30, 2009

Our Pet, "Fire"

"Fire" joined the Lawrence family tree on the day that my friend, Melinda, held a clever carnival style birthday party for her twins. Her backyard was loaded with games like the bean bag toss into the clown's mouth ( no, not an actual clown), a cake walk, and the ping pong ball toss into the empty fish bowl. Wait. Are those goldfish in water-filled plastic bags the prize? Oh no, did my kids just win 4 of them?

It was true. We were going home with four sweet? cute? goldfish that I secretly hoped wouldn't live past the drive to their new abode. Admittedly, there was a side to me that was excited for the kids. After all, they were our family's first pets! We rushed off to Petsmart to get all the necessary items, and I picked out the cheapest plastic fish bowl on the shelf (knowing it was unlikely they would survive past a week). After the four fish were placed safely in their newly created habitat, we fed them. None of them seemed to know what to do. They didn't notice the little flakes floating above, and I'm not sure they ever did, as the food eventually sank to the bottom. The next morning, one of them, the smallest (katie), was floating at the top. I had prepared the kids ahead of time that their deaths may be imminent, so they handled the "flushing" well. The following day, Kate, the next smallest, died. I was wondering if it was the quality of the water (Arizona's H2O is not good) even though I added the drops of dechlorination. Or, was it the lack of food? Maybe the biggest fish was eating most of it. Believe it or not, on the third day, another fish, John, had expired and the largest goldfish of the group (Trevor) was left. Survival of the fittest had proven itself once again.

Which brings me to our one and only pet, "Fire." The kids decided to change Trevor's name a few weeks later. They never said why, but unknowingly, the new name suited the tough guy to a tee! Not only is he the color of flames, but he braved the chemical laden waters while outswimming and outeating his three opponents. He has been with us for 6 months and has found his way into our hearts, especially mine. I never knew this before, but goldfish have brains. When I get close to the fishbowl, he goes crazy as he swims back and forth with his mouth going non-stop...he wants some attention. He's hungry, of course. Two small pinches of flakes a day is not enough. If it's close to that time of day, he practically jumps out of the bowl to get noticed! It would truly bother me to flush Fire down the toilet at this point. On the day he loses his life, a formal ceremony in the backyard may be well deserved.

Until then, I am considering upgrading his digs to a self-cleaning/filtered tank. I despise cleaning that filthy bowl, and sadly, there's this side to me that secretly wishes he would accidentally slip down the disposal during the process.  Did I say he had worked his way into our hearts? I may have been exaggerating slightly.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Diggin My Girlfriends

Girls, we are lucky to have our girlfriends! I'm talking about the ones that really know us and we can say any crazy thing on our mind. They are amazing listeners and supporters even though they may not approve sometimes. They're with us through it all, and if we haven't seen or spoken to them in a while, the friendship still stands strong.

My friends, (OMG, I just sounded like John McCain...forgive me) you know who you are, I love you!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Music Of Our Lives

I was thinking about all the songs, singers and bands that evoke memories from literally every event in our lives. Every time I hear something that brings about one of those times, it puts a smile on my face. I'm not sure I have any songs that would remind me of a bad experience which I suppose is a good thing. I am now going to attempt to go back, to recall some of those moments...this should be fun!

Puff the Magic Dragon (story book and album): Sitting on the floor of our music room with my brothers listening and following along with the book. "Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea..." 1970

The Partridge Family, The Osmonds and The Jackson 5: Anyone who grew up with these groups, knows you have to lump them together. Going door to door in our neighborhood in Clearwater, Fla., selling 5 cent tickets to come see our band sing in our music room. All of our neighbors were 70 yrs. or older (they were my peeps)...we always had a packed house! I was lead singer, my brothers played guitar and drums. 1973-75

The Carpenters: I wanted to be Karen Carpenter, so my Dad bought me a drum set. (Am I alone in this, girls? Come on, admit it)! 1973

Elton John, Greatest Hits Album (1974): My half brother, Bobby, would bring his album collection when he visited.  I heard this album for the first time with fact, when we picked him up at the airport, he was wearing the same white suit and hat that Elton was wearing on the cover, along with white patent leather shoes. He was quite flamboyant, and I thought he was the coolest (turned out, he was gay, but that's another story).

"All By Myself, " Eric Carmen: My dad used to bring home a new 45 record of his favorite song each week, and we would lay down on the floor of our music room with our heads pressed against the speakers. Those were great moments I shared with my dad. 1970-76

The theme song from "Rocky" : We moved to Philadelphia in 1976, the Bicentennial, and the same year "Rocky" opened. I was crazy for "Sly."

Paul McCartney's "Venus and Mars" album: I used to sit up in my room with my tape recorder ( remember the rectangular ones with the small speaker) and record my lousy voice while singing along to this album. 1976-79

"I Got You, Babe," Sonny and Cher: My family used to take numerous road trips with our collection of 8 tracks...this is one of those songs that got the whole carload singing! Of course, their show was watched every week, as well. 1970's

"Stayin Alive," Bee Gees: The movie, "Saturday Night Fever," provoked me to have a life size poster of JT above my headboard. 1977

Journey, any and all songs: My sophomore year at Clearwater High School. Riding in my friend, Ralph's red convertible antique mustang singing "Lovin, Touchin, Squeezin" at the top of our lungs. 1981

Jimmy Buffett: Again, my sophomore year. A group of us hung out at a dive bar , The Bikini Lounge, on Clearwater Beach. We used to play pool, drink beer and sing Buffett, those were the days! Mind you, the drinking age was 18, but somehow we all got into the bars back then. 1981

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers: Probably the cruelest I've ever been to anyone... a few of us filled up water balloons and loaded into the back of my friend's pickup truck and waited outside a girl's house. After her doorbell was rung and she appeared on her doorstep, we barraged her with the balloons while yelling profanity. Can't tell you why we did it, but I feel bad about it. I'm sure she's never forgotten the incident. Tom Petty's cassette was playing at the time. (Well, that would be one unpleasant memory. Although, I still love his music) 1981

"Hotel California" : My first slow dance; 7th grade, the boy had thick puffy hair(come to think of it, so did my boyfriend in college). 1977

Beach Boys: First concert without my parents. Dad dropped my friends and I off at the front. 1978

Gladys Knight and the Pips: First concert with my parents. Lots of stylin black people dancin in the aisles...purple velvet suits and platform shoes stand out in my mind. 1974

"Lights, " Journey: I cried to that song when I was told my parents were moving us from Clearwater to St. Louis. I loved my friends and life in Florida and didn't want to change high schools again. 1980

Southern Rock...Molly Hatchet, Lynard Skynard, Tom Petty, Journey, Bob Seger and more: When I moved to St. Louis, everyone I met listened to R&B. I remember opening my bedroom windows and blasting these albums on my stereo to let the whole neighborhood know that I had arrived,and this was what cool people from Florida listened to!! 1980

The Police: Going to the concert in crazy punk rock type clothes with my concert going buddies from high school. My outfit was black and white striped and I wore chunky brightly colored plastic jewelry. The sad thing was that I also wore that to school thinking it was fashionable and cool! (1982)

Flock of Seagulls: Senior year spring break, Daytona Beach, Fla. Dancing in the clubs...behaving badly. What senior in high school who goes away for spring break doesn't? 1982

Squeeze, "Black Coffee In Bed" : Freshman year, Arizona State. My roommate, Chris, from Denver listened to Michael Jackson and she had never heard Squeeze before...I turned her on to them, and clove cigarettes! 1982

"Hello," Neil Diamond: My first love was in college.. This was our song...and Blue Nun was our wine. 1983

"Take a Look at Me Now," Phil Collins: I cried all the way from Tempe, AZ to Newport Beach listening to this song and thinking of my ex love of my life. That was our first break up...we had many more after that. The other breakups didn't lend themselves to special songs or much crying. 1983

Neil Diamond, "Hot August Nights": Hanging out in my Pledge Dad's room with our roommates listening to Neil songs, and trying something for the first time that arrived in a manilla envelope from California. It was white and made a small mountain when placed on his mirror.

Frank Sinatra: Same scenario as above.

"Do You Know the Muffin Man" : Late night at Mark and Ron's house...I had a broom and was sweeping their front entry while singing this song over and over and over (someone gave me something that made me VERY happy). 1985

"Groove is in the Heart" : Clubbing in my 20's around Newport Beach." NYC" was a favorite! 1991-95

Dwight Yoakam: When I dated my husband, a Wyoming boy, he used to crank Dwight in his bedroom and sing in my ear. I thought he was charming! 1994

Gypsy Kings: I went to their concert with my brothers while visiting the States from Saudi Arabia. I danced the entire show; it was liberating ( after being in a fairly depressed country for 3 years)! 1998

Fast forward to the many more I could think of but I will include just one last song: "The Monster Mash." My kids were born on Halloween in 2002 which happens to be one of my  favorite occasions each year.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


At this very moment, I need a psychic to tell me what I'm supposed to be doing with my life. I'm too spent to figure it out right now. Wouldn't life be a lot easier if we had someone constantly whispering in our ear..."don't do that, what are you thinking?" Or, "Yes, this is what you should be doing...keep going, you're on the right track!"

I think it's time to meditate regularly...the answers will come.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Best Knives In The World

Am I allowed to claim that the Ginza knives truly are the best in the world? I bought a set of these when I lived in Saudi Arabia. I have had them and used them consistently since 1998! Remember the commercials way back when? They can cut through cardboard, tear through carpet, and can even cut through a chest cavity! I am telling you, they can do all that and much more. They are still as sharp as when I first purchased them. Check on line...Ginza Deluxe Kitchen Set.

I just realized I wrote a great advertisement for Ginza and didn't get paid for it!! Maybe I should look into marketing on my blog.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Am I Gullible Or Just Plain Friendly?

I will talk to just about anyone at anytime. Yesterday, I had two different people come to my door...the Jehovah's witness in the morning, and the 19 year old boy from Philadelphia working for a better life for himself, in the evening. The woman wanted me to read her booklets, answer some questions in the back, and then she would return in a couple of weeks to quiz me. I didn't shut her down... I acted genuinely interested in reading these ( I'll probably glance through), partly because I know she will come back and I'll have to act informed, And, I usually get a good message from them.

After hearing the boy's story about being a part of gangs on the streets of Philadelphia, and then becoming a part of an organization that helps these kids learn people skills by selling magazines door to door, I had to contribute. Eventually, he will get to a level where he can go back home and mentor other troubled kids.

Then there was the 22 year old guy who came to my door about a month ago asking for money. He was part of a Christian organization that takes men 18 -65 who have abused drugs or alcohol. They live on a campus together with counseling and schooling while getting clean. I had to hear more about his story so we talked for a good hour outside, and then, of course, I got my checkbook out. This kid was using heroin from the time he was 16 and then started using with his younger brother who was 15. At first, he would use outside of his home, but then, he started sneaking it into his bedroom where he used for a couple more years under his own roof. His parents never knew. He overdosed one day, which led him to this group. His brother is now going through the treatment and he believes God saved the two of them.

I had a couple of Mormon boys come to the house to tell me about their faith. I was curious, so we visited for quite a while and by the end of it, I understood more about their religion. How do we learn anything if we don't ask questions?

I usually let the Hoover people come in and vacuum my house and give me a 10 minute sales pitch. I'm not going to buy a vacuum, I just want my carpets clean and I can't say no. What's a half hour out of my day to get incredibly clean carpets?

Telemarketers usually have me at "Hello." If they catch me while I'm cooking dinner, I'll complete their's no skin off my back and I'm helping them out.

The other day, a homeless guy approached me for some money. As I reached into my purse, he said, "Can I have a five?" I said, "Don't push it," and gave him a single. I have my limits!

So, the question stands. Am I gullible or just plain friendly? I'd say I'm a little of both.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Land of Vortexes and Psychics

I just returned from a weekend in spectacular Sedona. The soaring red rock formations that surround the town feel somewhat "otherworldly," and it's a unique place in many aspects. If you're a spiritual guru, then there are many ways to connect with your inner self. There are psychics and spiritual advisors on every corner and several of them will also conduct vortex hikes. What is a vortex, you may ask? It is an enhanced energy location where other dimensions are more accessible. Who doesn't know that?! I have been to a couple of these and I have not viewed a past life or flown to another planet and back. However, I wasn't in the frame of mind to travel to other dimensions!.Besides, I was told by a local psychic that I needed to have a spiritual guide with me in order to truly encounter the "other side." I need a weekend by myself or with other like-minded people to tap into the sacred adventures Sedona can provide.

Anyone who knows my husband, understands he is not one of those "like minded" people who would participate in any of those wacky, waste-of-money encounters. I, on the other hand, was chomping at the bit to get into one of the spiritual centers to have a reading. I mentioned that I wanted to see a clairvoyant/medium to help me locate my missing wedding rings ( a sore subject, but, worth mentioning in another story). He scoffed at the idea. Again, these are things I should be dealing with on my own. I wanted to, at least, go to one of the fun stores chock-full of crystals, stone buddhas, incense, etc., to find something I resonated with. I know, screwy talk, right? When we pulled up, he asked my son to stay in the car with him. He had a hard time stepping foot in any place that had to do with crazy phenomenon. My kids wanted to go with me, of course, because they knew I would let them pick out something. So, he hesitantly entered (with "Twilight Zone" music playing in the background) and in the 15 minutes we were there, he managed to escape without being converted to the other side.

Our time was spent biking and hiking on some of the hundreds of trails that surround the town, taking incredible scenic drives and relaxing at our resort. It was perfect. My personal, soul-searching, out-of-body weekend will have to wait.