Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Am I Gullible Or Just Plain Friendly?

I will talk to just about anyone at anytime. Yesterday, I had two different people come to my door...the Jehovah's witness in the morning, and the 19 year old boy from Philadelphia working for a better life for himself, in the evening. The woman wanted me to read her booklets, answer some questions in the back, and then she would return in a couple of weeks to quiz me. I didn't shut her down... I acted genuinely interested in reading these ( I'll probably glance through), partly because I know she will come back and I'll have to act informed, And, I usually get a good message from them.

After hearing the boy's story about being a part of gangs on the streets of Philadelphia, and then becoming a part of an organization that helps these kids learn people skills by selling magazines door to door, I had to contribute. Eventually, he will get to a level where he can go back home and mentor other troubled kids.

Then there was the 22 year old guy who came to my door about a month ago asking for money. He was part of a Christian organization that takes men 18 -65 who have abused drugs or alcohol. They live on a campus together with counseling and schooling while getting clean. I had to hear more about his story so we talked for a good hour outside, and then, of course, I got my checkbook out. This kid was using heroin from the time he was 16 and then started using with his younger brother who was 15. At first, he would use outside of his home, but then, he started sneaking it into his bedroom where he used for a couple more years under his own roof. His parents never knew. He overdosed one day, which led him to this group. His brother is now going through the treatment and he believes God saved the two of them.

I had a couple of Mormon boys come to the house to tell me about their faith. I was curious, so we visited for quite a while and by the end of it, I understood more about their religion. How do we learn anything if we don't ask questions?

I usually let the Hoover people come in and vacuum my house and give me a 10 minute sales pitch. I'm not going to buy a vacuum, I just want my carpets clean and I can't say no. What's a half hour out of my day to get incredibly clean carpets?

Telemarketers usually have me at "Hello." If they catch me while I'm cooking dinner, I'll complete their's no skin off my back and I'm helping them out.

The other day, a homeless guy approached me for some money. As I reached into my purse, he said, "Can I have a five?" I said, "Don't push it," and gave him a single. I have my limits!

So, the question stands. Am I gullible or just plain friendly? I'd say I'm a little of both.

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