Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Diggin My Girlfriends

Girls, we are lucky to have our girlfriends! I'm talking about the ones that really know us and we can say any crazy thing on our mind. They are amazing listeners and supporters even though they may not approve sometimes. They're with us through it all, and if we haven't seen or spoken to them in a while, the friendship still stands strong.

My friends, (OMG, I just sounded like John McCain...forgive me) you know who you are, I love you!

1 comment:

  1. I just returned from Spring Break with 2 of my best pals. We had so much fun together!!! After spending a night laughing so hard with them that I peed in my pants...my friend Eileen said to her 15 year old daughter...."I hope you grow up to have friends like this!" And that really is what it's all about. I love Jim, but I absolutely could not live without my girlfriends.
